Renters’ Parking Issues Highlighted on WHSV TV3

If you rent in or own rental property in Harrisonburg, you are probably aware that parking is at a premium. There aren’t many places in Harrisonburg that the “parking pinch” can’t be felt.

If you are a tenant who lives in a rental unit or complex close to one of the college campuses, you may notice that students do park or have parked in designated resident parking. As a tenant, this can be extremely frustrating, especially if you are working late or cannot find parking in close proximity to your rental. James Madison University policy dictates that freshman students cannot have a car on campus. This forces students who decide to bring vehicles to school to find alternate parking solutions, which can sometimes include parking in towing zones or designated rental parking lots or spaces.

Here are a few things you can do to protect your rights as a tenant/property owner:

  1. Be familiar with your lease agreement, its’ provisions, and what can be done should you find someone parked where they should not be parked.
  2. Know what towing company can be called to tow unauthorized vehicles. These companies should have clearly visible posted signs with a phone number.
  3. Be courteous of your neighbors, and if you have guests over, have them use a designated visitor parking space or lot, or find street parking that does not require a decal or pass. Ask your neighbors to do the same, if you are comfortable doing so.
  4. Call your property manager, owner, or landlord to clarify any policy, ask questions, or bring concerns to them as soon as there is an issue.

As a property manager, I can assure you that the best interests of all tenants is the ultimate goal for Riner Rentals. Sometimes, unpopular policies must be enforced to ensure that tenants can have use of parking that they are entitled to. If you park in a private lot and your car is towed, please know that we are simply enforcing a policy to maintain the premises and its’ rules and regulations for all of our tenants. We hope that you would expect the same treatment should you rent from us.

If you have any further questions about parking, feel free to contact me directly at

Until next time,

Paul Riner, Owner, Riner Rentals